Why Essential Oils


Why do you need essential oils in your life? I have 5 reasons why you need them and then you can decide for yourself. 

1. Oils can replace Harmful Toxic Products:
The air quality of air inside our homes is 5-7 times more toxic than outdoor air It takes 26 seconds for toxins you smell or apply to fully enter your bloodstream. (It takes just as fast for Essential oils to enter your bloodstream and start doing damage control!) We've replaced just about every single cleaning and personal hygiene product in our house with more natural products, a lot of which incorporate essential oils.

2. Essential Oil's promote repair your damaged cells!
They actually enter your bloodstream, find the receptor sites that have been damaged by harmful toxins or sickness and PROMOTE REPAIR in them!

3. Oils assist in taking preventative care:
Like the above point, Essential Oils have properties that keep our bodies functioning the way they were made to function. NingXia Red is something we drink every day and is full of antioxidant that we need every day. Young Living has a line of supplements and products that help promote wellness and prevent poor health.

4. Emotional Support:
STRESS STRESS STRESS. I don't need to tell you how horrible stress is for our whole entire wellbeing. I have three kids so I understand stress. Essential Oils have help to encourage positive emotions and support the relieving of negative tension.

5. They smell Amazing:
I used to be a candle connoisseur until I learned about the toxins candles brought into my home. Now that I have Essential Oils in my life, I will never think about candles anymore. Essential Oils come in a variety of scents and even make custom mixtures to fit your mood/situation. Also, the smell potency of Essential Oils is way more powerful than a candle.

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